Friday, July 08, 2011

Jesus and Marriage

I was watching The Da Vinci Code on TV a couple of days back and the following scenario came to mind. If Jesus and Mary Magdalene actually did get married, this is probably how it ended:

Jesus has just walked in through the door with his disciples, late in the evening. Mary is pissed.

Mary (walking up to Jesus): "I can't take this anymore, Jesus! You're never home! 

You're always out with your friends. 

I have strange people knocking on my door all morning saying, "Where's Jesus? We need a miracle!' And I have to tell them to f*** o** because I don't know where the hell you are! 

You can turn water into wine but when I throw a party for my friends I have to make my own humus! 

I have to cook for these 12 guys who are always around but you never do the dishes! 

I don't think I can live like this any more!"

Jesus (rolling his eyes): "Gawwwwd!! Crucify me! Crucify me now!"

The rest is as the Bible says.

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