Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Silent Night

Yesterday turned out to be a long day at work. As I walked in the front door at 10:30 last night, the first sight to greet me was the by-now-familiar mess in the living room. Toys strewn all over the floor, Lisa's shoes left carelessly out of place, a hand towel dropped behind a chair. The dining area was a bigger mess, with the chairs all out of place around the table. The kitchen floor was littered with potatoes that Beth had played with and there were plates just about everywhere, except where they were supposed to be. Other than this mess though, the house was quiet!

On any other evening, I would have been irritated at the sight. But for some reason, this particular evening I felt peaceful. The mess on the floor meant I had two happy, healthy babies who'd run amok the entire evening! Which meant that they were tired out by now and fast asleep in bed. Which explained the peace. Which also meant that I could have a quiet dinner myself, maybe talk with the missus, and then look forward to a good night's sleep.

I felt blessed. 

Friday, September 03, 2010

Khosla Ka Ghosla!

The last six months have been torture-some. Having realized one of our most cherished dreams, the missus and I are actually helplessly watching the dream turn into some kind of nightmare! We booked our flat late last year and soon realized that the builder we'd picked is as shady as they come. What is it about the builder community that they are so cut throat? And why is it that the common man in India is so helpless against this lobby? The most we can do is expect to be able to turn to the law; to the courts. But when was the last time you heard an Indian speaking about his confidence in the Indian judiciary? Sadly enough, while it is our only recourse, we have no faith in it! No one wants to grow old while waiting for our courts to mete out justice. Our only hope right now is that we can wake up from the nightmare sometime soon. I guess you could say we need a 'kick' right about now!

On the good side, the last six months have taught me a lot about life. It's funny how we aspire to teach our kids all the good lessons our parents taught us, even though every day we learn for ourselves that those lessons are long outdated! Good doesn't necessarily win over evil. "Ask and you shall receive" is the most overrated statement ever (except when you're asking for trouble). And compromising on your beliefs is often the smartest way out!

Finally! What I Wanted for My Blog!

I finally have what I wanted for my blog! New design templates! I've updated the blog with a new look and I hope to be posting more often now. Hope you like the look and hope I can live up to my own expectations!