I'm no expert on this, but I think that most people consider the Hulk an interesting character, but wouldn't swear allegiance to him like they would to Superman or the Dark Knight. Perhaps it is his brutish persona or the fact that, more often than not, he is more anti-hero. Or maybe because he just comes across as another muscle-bound, dim-witted oaf. But ever since I picked up my first Hulk comic, I have absolutely, unreservedly, shamelessly idolized the green monster!
Superman is goodness personified. Batman is all shrewdness and steely resolve. The Hulk...is human!
Though the Hulk is a classic case of multiple personality disorder that is larger than any Jekyll or Hyde, this schism is a reflection on most of humanity. Every one of us has a dormant Hulk within us. In the comic books, the Hulk alter ego proves to be the stronger, getting the better of Bruce Banner at the slightest provocation. For many of us—and thankfully so—our own Bruce Banner alter ego is stronger. When faced with provocation, we bite our lip and swallow the bile that rises in our bellies because we know too well the outcome of releasing that green giant within us. On the rare occasion that he has risen, we've lived to regret our tempestuous actions! The comic books capture the clash of our own Banner/Hulk alter egos pretty accurately: while the Hulk enjoys the sweet catharsis of his rampages, the guilt of his action is all for Banner to deal with!
At the risk of sounding like I have unresolved issues, I sometimes feel I would love the mindless freedom that the Hulk enjoys! The freedom to unleash your fury at everything that hurts you, to beat down to a pulp every adversary that ever crossed you, to stare brazenly at every possible kind of disaster and flick it aside saying, "HULK SMASH!"